Friday, April 5, 2019

The State of Affairs - 5 April 2019


I think this is the first time I've had two announcement posts so close to each other LOL. But to be fair, the last one was more for the April Fool's prank? Anyway, this time it'll be more detailed:

1) Server space
So if you all didn't know by now, Miracle Tunes Subs purchases its own server space to host our releases, and being a university student I really don't have the financial ability to keep the server up on my own, which is why I've set up a Ko-Fi account to raise funds for server space. To be honest, I'm quite pleasantly surprised by the amount of contributions we've had thus far, so for everyone who's contributed at least month of server space so far, I would like to credit you. Please DM or e-mail me if you would like to be credited and we can make arrangements!!

2) Direct Download Links
So I thought that since I'm buying the server space, I might as well make full use of it right? So by checking the FAQ, I created links from the files on the server and now the DDL for all episodes are back up! (Newer episodes will still have their DDLs from Mega while older episodes will eventually have their links shifted to the server).

3) Aegisub Files
I've updated the files to Episode 14. But doesn't seem like anyone's using it (or at least, I'm not aware of the translated one's shared them with me). So I probably won't update it anymore, lol.

4) What I'm working on 
How rare of me to actually tell you what I'm working on! But anyway! Currently just started on Episode 31 as I'm cleaning up the blog and typing this. Ideally it would be out by this weekend! If not, maybe next weekend, latest. I'm actually also working on subbing the Majoka Lumina demo video from Magimajo Pures, but that's like a super-duper low-priority thing so don't expect to see it till as late as end of the year, I guess? But now that I've said this, I'll probably try and get it out faster LOL.

Episode 32's script is in as well, so with any luck, I'll be able to release two episodes this month.

As always, you can send in feedback or any translation errors to!

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