Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The State of Affairs - 13 January 2021

I've decided to do a little housekeeping as we are nearing the end. Here are some things that I will be doing before I get too busy with school again.

1. Final Batch Release for Episodes 1 to 26

I've always wanted to redo the first two batches (Episodes 1-14, Episodes 15-26) as one big batch, so with things about to come to a close, I figured I might as well start doing it.

I've seen fan-subbing groups that go in and fix things for a batch release, and I figured I'm going to do that for Episodes 1 - 26, and not touch them forever and ever and ever. Yes, that means I get to fix all the mistakes I'd talked about in my last post...HAHAHA. I mean, I was going to batch it anyway so I might as wel fix the consistency of terms, and polish up some of the translations while I'm at it. I'm pretty sure I'll still end up missing stuff, but at the very least I'll feel more at ease with what I put out (I...think I'm kind of a perfectionist? I'm too lazy to be a perfectionist though...)

This isn't going to impact my weekly releases so don't worry about things slowing down!

2. YouTube channel

I'm going to trim the channel so that only the full episodes remain. And since I'm going to be updating all the past episodes for the batch release, I'll likely re-upload old episodes too. So don't be alarmed when you see older episodes popping up again - it's just me sorting things out!

3. Episode Schedule for Everything Else

Episode 49: 16 January (maaaaybe 17 January if I have to go home to release it since my campus blocks torrents)
Episode 50: 23 January (maaaaybe 24 January, for the same reason as above)
Episode 51: Hopefully 30 January, but I might delay it a teeny bit into February depending on how busy I get.

I actually want to note that yes, Episode 49's script will be based on the batch releases, so there are officially no more "dogus". The dogus will be missed.

4. Final Batch Release for Episodes 27-51

Naturally, since I'm doing up a batch for the first half, it's only natural that I'll be doing a batch for the second half. I plan to get that done by March latest. The reason why I split it into two is because I didn't want the batch torrent to be too big (HD1080 would be at least 20GB even at half). It also allows me to take a breather when checking through everything. (That said, there are far less things to fix for the back half because by then I'd gotten slightly better at doing fan really, the only thing to fix are the dogus. Haha.

5. Purchasing a new seedbox

I am very aware that there are rarely seeds for my releases, so I'm actually going to purchase a new seedbox to host my releases, at least until March or April so that anyone who wants to grab the releases would have enough time to do so. Regardless, the show is always available on YouTube so you won't ever have to worry about missing the show ever again!

So that's all I have for you for this update, and I'll see you in a few days!

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