Sunday, July 11, 2021
What in the world is a "vibebuddy"?
Vibebuddy x Heroine Kirameki Powers! Web Trailer Released

As always, you can send in feedback or any translation errors to!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
The State of Affairs - 27 January 2021
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes! Final Batch Released
I really tried to catch and fix most inconsistencies and translation issues, but there may be one or two left uncaught. That said, this is the most latest version of the files. If you have any incomplete downloads, please do switch over to this one instead (sorry for the inconvenience!!)
Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes! Episode 51 Released
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes! Episode 50 Released
(...I seriously hope I didn't miss out anything this time......)
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
The State of Affairs - 20 January 2021
Hi there! I'm here to provide yet another update on the final few releases and my housekeeping progress! (And yes, 50 and 51 are coming real soon!)
1. General housekeeping
As mentioned, I've been going back to clean up older episodes to fix consistency and spelling issues as best as I can. While that means I'm updating most scripts to new versions, it doesn't mean I'm updating all the scripts. If the script requires one or two changes to fix consistency and spelling, I'd go ahead and polish up the rest of the script. However, some scripts only have very minor formatting issues which didn't really warrant an update, so I left them as is. (There really aren't much that are left untouched, to be honest...I think out of the 30+ episodes I've checked so far, only 3-4 files survived edits.)
I think the hardest part of doing this is the fact that I'm always catching minor mistakes - part of being a (mostly) one-man team, I suppose! But it kind of stresses me out to decide if I want to put the episode through another hour of render just to fix a tiny error. Regardless, even if there ends up being errors that still got through the gaps, I'm going to finalize the files and not touch them anymore.
I should mention that I'm actually doing these clean ups out of order to try and maximize my efficiency, and unsurprisingly, Anyway, this leads into...
2. YouTube uploads
I have been reuploading the re-done episodes in batches (and also out of order mostly, so apologies if you are the kind that feels uncomfortable about that kind of thing...haha), and as of now I think I'm three-quarters done, with most of the undone episodes in the first half (again...lots more to fix in the first half). There may be periods where episodes go missing, but I'll try and get it back up as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!
There is one thing, however - Episode 1 will be the un-updated version, because YouTube has gotten really strict with uploads and it now blocks Episode 1 from showing up at all. These shows were never meant to be uploaded onto YouTube anyway, so unfortunately that'll have to stay as is.
3. Final Batch Release for Episodes 27-51
I did mention that I'll release a final batch release for Episodes 1-26, but I may end up releasing a final batch for Episodes 27-51 first, just because there's a lot less to clean up in the back half (I've become a lot more consistent by then). Also, I am aware that the newest episodes have pretty much no seeds, so this will really help fix the problem too.
I'm actually almost done with the clean up, so this will likely release with the last two episodes.
4. Final Batch Release for Episodes 1-26
For the front half, I'm about 10 episodes into cleaning up (so 16 episodes left!), and I'm hoping to be done with them by the start of February. To be honest, I'm probably going to take this one slow since I'd be done with the latter half by then, but we'll see. I'm hoping not to take too long because it'll be nice to finally not think about fan-subbing work so much. Hahaha.
This half will include the social media videos that they did for a while before stopping.
5. The extra stuff
I have dabbled in subbing other stuff here and there. Here is most likely what I'll do with them:
Miracle Tunes Episode 7 April Fool's Sub
Probably will dump it in together with the Final Batch for 1-26.
Catch Me! MV (DVD version)
Now that the HD version is released on YouTube, I might update it for that. Most of the work for this is done anyway.
Parallel World MV
Highly likely I'll collate this with Catch Me! and release it together, if I ever get around to doing that.
Magimajo Pures Episode 1 (for April Fool's 2019)
So I went out of my way to sub a full episode of Magimajo Pures for April Fool's 2019, and I might just clean that up (update the terms, such as from "Magic Warriors" to "Magical x Heroine" now that they've firmly established their branding).
Majoke Porte DX Toy Demo
Highly likely that I'll collate it with Episode 1 if I ever update this one.
#KizunaPlus MV
Oh god I was watching what I put out and the karaoke timing was soooo off it's crazy. I don't really have any idea where and when I'm going to re-release this
Girls2 Revolution Episode 1
I subbed this for fun and I'm really not looking into subbing more, but I'll probably collate this with #KizunaPlus.
If I ever decide to work on these extra stuff, I think the most likely thing that's gonna happen is that I'll probably get someone to do up the karaoke for the rest of miracle2's music videos (they only have 4 including Kari x Kari so I'm already done with half, in a sense) and release all 4 videos as a set. We'll see how it goes, it probably won't be so soon if I ever decide to work on them.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes! Episode 49 Released
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
The State of Affairs - 13 January 2021
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
My Personal Thoughts on Translating Miracle Tunes
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes! Episode 48 Released
So uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but this is kinda a recap episode too. LOL
Monday, January 4, 2021
The State of Affairs - 3 January 2020
16 January 2020 - Episode 49
If I somehow don't get any releases out, I do have Episode 1 of Magimajo Pures which I'd subbed before for an April Fool's joke - I might clean that up and re-release it along with some Magimajo Channel toy reviews (those were really cute, you should watch them if you haven't already). I've subbed one before (the Majoka Porte one) and I have a half-done file of the Majoka Lumina video sitting in my drive somewhere.
As always, you can send in feedback or any translation errors to!